A wonderful opportunity to break the ice and to establish a connection between the spouses and the photographer: the engagement. The engagement is a part of the wedding photography that precedes the ceremony, often of some months, which needs to establish that complicity with the couple that will become essential on their wedding day. The engagement photo session is widespread in Anglo-Saxon countries, today it is also diffusing in Italy. It is the best way to have some amazing images also to distribute to friends, to be included in the participations, to be used in the ceremony booklet, as a menu cover at the reception. The engagement photo session is a much freer session and represents the opportunity to enjoy a moment of calm and to be able to create beautiful pics together, to remember for the rest of life. We will decide together with spouses location of the session. Often the location is familiar to the spouses, a dear location for them like the place of the first kiss, it could probably represent the ideal beginning of a wedding shoot story.